My Profile
The My Profile page allows you to view and update your user information, security questions and password.
At the top of the FAA header, Help, User Guide, and References links are displayed in the right corner along with a Signout link. The Help link opens page-specific help for the current page. The User Guide link opens the Airworthiness Certification Applicant User Guide, which is the secondary resource for Airworthiness Certification Applicant Portal application user procedures and reference information. The References link opens a page allowing you to access FAA reference data relevant to airworthiness certification. The Signout link logs you out of the application and takes you to the System Use Notice. At the bottom of the FAA header, your name displays right justified along with a Person icon (
); clicking the icon displays a pop-up screen with a list of the roles assigned to you.
The title bar showing the application name, "Airworthiness Certification (AWC) - Applicant Portal," displays at the top of the page below the standard FAA page header. The Airworthiness Certification application navigation top-level menu bar displays just below the title bar and contains the links that provide access to the Airworthiness Certification commands, or functions: My AWC, Search, Reports and My Profile.
You use the User Profile pages to update your user profile information. The user profile content is restricted to your own information. The profile information includes the following:
To Update Your User Information
To update your user information, follow the steps below. Note: Your Username, First Name, and Last Name are displayed in read-only format and cannot be modified.
- Make any changes to your email address in the Email field.
- The user's email address must be unique and cannot be a group email address.
- Make any changes to your telephone number in the Phone field.
- For non-U.S. Countries, the telephone number is comprised of a country code (system set based on Applicant's Country) + phone number + extension code.
- For the U.S., the phone number format is (###)###-####. The extension is optional.
- Make any changes to your fax number in the Fax field.
- For non-U.S. Countries, the fax number is comprised of the country code (system set based on Applicant's Country) + phone number + extension code.
- For the U.S., the fax number format is (###)###-####.
- Make any changes to your street address in the Address 1 field.
- Make any changes to your additional address information (e.g., Suite #) in the Address 2 field, if applicable.
- Make any changes to your city in the City field.
- Make any changes to your state by selecting a state from the State drop-down list.
- For countries other than the United States, the label for this field changes to Province/Region, and the field changes from a drop-down list to a text box.
- Make any changes to your zip code in the Zip Code field.
- For countries other than the United States, the label for this field changes to Postal Code.
- Make any changes to your country of residence by selecting a country from the Country drop-down list.
Update Your Security Information
- In the Security Information section, select the check box for "Update Security Questions."
- To change your first security question, select a security question from the drop-down list. The Security Question #1 drop-down list has the following choices:
- What was the name of your first pet?
- What is your mother's maiden name?
- What was the color of your first car?
- What is your favorite sport?
- What is the street name you work or office is located on?
- Enter your answer to Security Question #1 into the Answer field.
- To change your second security question, select a security question from the drop-down list. The Security Question #2 drop-down list has the following choices:
- What was the name of your elementary/primary school?
- What is the country of your ultimate dream vacation?
- What was the make and model of your first car?
- What was your high school mascot?
- What year did you graduate from high school?
- Enter your answer to Security Question #2 into the Answer field.
- To change your third security question, select a security question from the drop-down list. The Security Question #3 drop-down list has the following choices:
- In what city did you meet your spouse/significant other?
- In what city or town did your mother and father meet?
- In what city or town was your first job?
- In what city does your nearest sibling live?
- In what city or country do you want to retire?
- Enter your answer to Security Question #3 into the Answer field.
Update Your Password
- In the Password section, select the check box for "Update Password."
- Enter your current password into the Current Password field.
- Enter your new password into the New Password field.
- Password must be a minimum of twelve (12) characters and maximum of thirteen (13) characters. Password must include at least one lower-case character, one upper-case character, a number and a special character (!, @, $, *).
- Enter your new password a second time into the Confirm New Password field.
- To cancel updating your password, deselect the check box for "Update Password."
Save Updates to Your User Profile:
- Click Update User Profile. The system displays a confirmation message indicating that the user profile has been successfully saved.
- If you decide not to update your profile information, click Reset to terminate the "Update User Profile" action and restore the data back to the previously saved values.
- Upon saving, the system validates any U.S. address using the USPS Service. If the address you entered does not match an address in the USPS database, you will be presented with the following options:
- Use the Address Entered
- Use the USPS Recommended Address (default selection)
- Edit Address and Revalidate.
- Select the appropriate option. If you select Edit Address and Revalidate, you can edit the address information (Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code & Country). After making your changes, click Select. The system will then revalidate the address. See Address Validation.